Our specialists provide comprehensive audit and consultation services to facilities throughout the United States.
Running a successful gaming enterprise depends on many factors. Ensuring you are maximizing your operational efficiency and complying with industry and government regulations is crucial. It is critical for preparers of financial statements and auditors to understand the intricacies of the gaming industry including state and local regulatory compliance, revenue recognition, and financial statement presentation.
MHT provides information on recent developments, guidance, and illustrative examples for the common accounting and auditing practices in the gaming industry.
Accounting and tax treatment of specialized areas such as jackpot liabilities and loyalty and incentive programs.
Regulation and licensing
Risk assessment and general audit considerations
Financial and operational auditing
Income tax consulting and tax controversies resolution
Management advisory services
Casino accounting and internal control systems
Outsourced internal auditing functions
Tax credits and incentives
Our diverse client base consists of closely held and mid-market businesses, high net worth individuals and tax exempt organizations.